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Energy Policy Research Conference – EPRC8

Conference Agenda

Friday, September 7th 

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM 


Planning for Renewable Energy 

Moderator: Danny Cullenward, Near Zero 

Grace Relf, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE); The Role of Energy Efficiency in a Distributed Energy Future 

Brady Stoll, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Contributions of Concentrating Solar Power to Future Power Needs 

Andrew Mills, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Estimating the Value of Offshore Wind Along the United States’ Eastern Coast 

Will Frazier, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; What Happens after the Investment and Production Tax Credits Expire? A View from the Standard Scenarios and the Annual Energy Outlook


Equity & Distributional Analysis

Moderator: Gabe Chan, University of Minnesota 

Ben Stacey, University of Michigan; A MultiState Analysis of Equity in Energy Efficiency Investments 

Naim Darghouth, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Income Trends of Residential PV Adopters 

Sydney Forrester, University of Michigan; Profiling Households in the Energy Efficiency Doughnut Hole 

Ryan Stoa, Concordia University School of Law; Regulated Entities' Adaptation to Regulatory Change and Uncertainty: A Case Study of the Clean Power Plan

10:15 - 11:45 AM 


California Climate Policy

Moderator:Hanna Breetz, Arizona State University 

Mason Inman, Near Zero; Oversupply and Banking in the Western Climate Initiative Carbon Market 

Nathan Parker, Arizona State University; The Role of Out-of-State Renewable Natural Gas in Meeting the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard 

Danny Cullenward, Near Zero; Cross-border Governance in Linked Carbon Markets: A Case Study of California and the Western Climate Initiative 

Stefan Pauer, The University of British Columbia; Including Electricity Imports in California's Cap-and-Trade Program: A Case Study of a Border Carbon Adjustment in Practice


Smart & Data-Driven Energy Systems

Moderator: Seth Blumsack, Penn State University 

Soojin Shin, University of Delaware; Smart Energy City: A Strategy to Address Economic and Environmental Needs in Large Cities 

Anna Karmazina, Oregon State University; Energy Use Data Access and Open Innovation in Demand Response and Energy Efficiency 

Moataz Sheha, University of Utah; An Economic and Policy Case for Proactive Home Energy Management Systems with Photovoltaics and Batteries 

Omar Isaac Asensio, Georgia Institute of Technology; Real-time Intelligence in Emerging Electric Vehicle Infrastructure


Technological Innovation & Valuation 

Moderator: Sarah Mills, University of Michigan 

Cheryl O'Brien, Idaho State University; Is Bad Performance the Answer to Saving the Nuclear Power Industry? 

Jamal Mamkhezri, University of New Mexico; Consumer Preferences for Solar Energy: An Experimental Study 

Thomas Ptak, University of Idaho; Rethinking Community: Analyzing the Landscape of Community Solar Through a Sense of Place 

Patricia Fernandez Guajardo, Oregon State University; Drivers and Barriers to Sustainable Management of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus

12:00 - 1:30 PM

Water + Energy Nexus in the West, Plenary Session & Lunch

Moderator: Emily Grubert, University of California, Berkeley 

Noel Bakhtian, Center for Advanced Energy Studies 

Terry Harvill, ITC Grid Development

 Dan James, Bonneville Power Administration 

Rebecca O’Neil, Department of Energy & Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

1:45 - 3:15 PM


Policy Implementation & Public Perception

Moderator: Stephanie Lenhart, Boise State University 

Paolo Davide Farah, West Virginia University; Hydraulic Fracturing: Knowledge, Social Impacts and Participation 

Gabe Pacyniak, University of New Mexico; Can PURPA “Green” Rural Electricity Co-ops? 

Temis Gardner Taylor, Utah State University; Public Discourse, Public Lands: Unconventional Resources and Perceptions of Risk 

Cheryl O'Brien, Idaho State University; Nuclear Power Lessons from California: How Expansion of Scope Led to Shutdown of the Industry


Costs & Consequences of Wake Effects with Wind Energy

Moderator: KK DuVivier, University of Denver 

Roundtable Discussion 

Troy Rule, Arizona State University; The Economics of Wind Turbine Wakes 

Jessica Tomaszewski, University of Colorado; Quantifying Wake Impacts on Downwind Wind Farms Using Atmospheric Models 

Amy Jones, University of Denver; Legal Approaches for Recognizing and Accommodating Wind Rights


Power Systems Planning & Operations

Moderator: Wesley Cole, National Renewable Energy Laboratory 

Juan Pablo Carvallo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; The Use of Market Transactions in Vertically Integrated US Electric Utilities 

Rebecca Langer, Oregon State University; Uniting the West to Save Renewables: Impacts of an Energy Imbalance Market in the Pacific Northwest 

Sylwia Bialek, New York University; Accounting for Load and Supply Seasonality in the Design of Capacity Markets 

Naga Srujana Goteti, Rochester Institute of Technology; Stochastic versus Deterministic Grid-Evolution Models: Case Study on the Midwest US Region

3:30 - 5:00 PM

EPRC Advisory Board Business Meeting
