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9.30 Introduction to the Conference

Sandro Gozi, Under-Secretary for European Affairs

Ilaria Borletti Buitoni , Under-Secretary for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism

Chair : Dusan Sidjanski 

10.00 Universalità dei diritti e pluralità delle culture in Europa  |  Universality of rights and cultural plurality in Europe   

Marta Cartabia, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Italian Republic

10,30  L’accoglienza ai profughi e il rispetto delle leggi della Polis nell’antica Grecia | Migrants acceptance and the respect of the laws in the Greek Polis

Louis Godart, Accademico dei Lincei, Advisor for the Under-Secretary for European Affairs

11,00 La Costituzione italiana e le intese. La tutela dei diritti fondamentali conquista inseparabile dal rispetto e dall’osservanza dei doveri | The Italian Constitution and the Agreements. Inseparability of rights protection and respect and abidance to duties

Renzo Gattegna, Lawyer , President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities

11,30  Coffee Break

Chair: Paolo Morozzo della Rocca    

11,45 Dalla Polis alla Civitas: per un universalismo delle differenze | From Polis to Civitas: universalizing differences       

Giacomo Marramao, Full Professor of theoretical philosophy and political philosophy at the University of Rome III (Rome, Italy) , Member of the the Collège international de philosophie (Paris, France)

12,15 Le respect des valeurs fondamentales est la base de la citoyenneté européenne | Respect for fudamental values as the basis for European citizenship

Dusan Sidjanski, Professor Emeritus at the University of Geneva, Global Studies Institute, Dusan Sidjanski Centre of Excellence in European Studies

12.45 Discussion

13,15 Lunch Break

Chair: Giacomo Marramao

14,30 Percorsi migratori e vie d’inclusione sociale  | Migratory paths and inclusion strategies

Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Full Professor of Civil Law at University of Urbino (Urbino, Italy); General Counsel of the Community of Sant'Egidio

15,00 Cittadinanza postnazionale e politiche di integrazione | Post-national citizenship and integration policies

Luigi Moccia, Full professor of Comparative law and EU Law at the University of Rome III (Rome, Italy) , President of Centro di eccellenza Altiero Spinelli(Rome, Italy)

15,30 L'Unione Europea e i valori non commerciali nel sistema globale degli scambi | The European Union and the Non-Trade Concerns in the World Trading System

Paolo D. Farah, Professor at West Virginia University; Director of Research, gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (UK); Senior Fellow, Georgetown University Law Center (USA)

Chair: Paolo D. Farah   

16,00  Il contributo dell’Islam a un’Europa interculturale | The Isam contribution to a multicultural Europe

 Shahrzad Houshmand,  Professor of Islamic Studies at University of Rome La Sapienza (Rome, Italy)

16,30  Le comunità cinesi in Italia e le seconde generazioni | Chinese communities in Italy and second generations

Marco Wong, Representative of the Chinese Italian Community

17,00 Unione Europea e cittadinanza | European Union and citizenship

Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group and Member of the European Parliament , former Prime Minister of Belgium

17,30 Discussion
