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Thursday, 30 November

Room Athene M1-19

13:15 to 13:45


13:45 to 14:00

Welcome and Introduction

-       Prof. Dr. Fabian Amtenbrink, Vice Dean ESL

14:00 to 15:30

Panel 1 – Experts and Accountability: Setting the Debate

-       Prof. Dr. Deirdre Curtin | EUI – Chair & Discussant

-       Dr. Alessandra Arcuri and Dr. Florin Coman-Kund | EUR: The ‘Nobody’


-       Prof. Dr. Oren Perez | Bar-Ilan University: Transnational Scientific Institutions as Hybrids

-       Prof. Dr. Mark Bovens | Utrecht University: Indexing Accountability of Powers of EU Watchdogs

-       Prof. Dr. Robert Howse | NYU: The “Populist” Critique of Experts and Expertise: A (Partial) Defense

15:30 to 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 to 17:30

Panel 2 – Accountability of Experts in Economic and Financial Governance

-       Prof. Dr. Robert Howse | NYU – Chair & Discussant

-       Prof. Dr. Fabian Amtenbrink | EUR: Building a Viable Analytical Framework to Evaluate Accountability in Economic and Financial Governance

-       Prof. Dr. Michelle Everson | University of London: Reputational Risk: A Sticking Plaster Approach

-       Dr. Marijn van der Sluijs | EUR: Accountability or Democracy? About the Framework of Analysis for Monetary Policymakers in the Eurozone?

-       Dr. Nathanael Ali | EUR: What is in a Form? The Re-organization of the FATF as a Legal Person and the Promises and Limits to Accountability


Social Dinner (only for speakers and chairs)

Friday, 1 December

Room Tokyo M1-17

9:00 to 9:30

Registration and Coffee

9:30 to 11:00

Panel 3 – Accountability of Experts in Environment, Health, and Safety Governance

-       Dr. David Demortain | IFRIS – Chair & Discussant

-       Prof. Dr. Ellen Vos | Maastricht University: The Tension between Independence and Accountability of Expertise in EU Agencies

-       Dr. Alessandra Arcuri | EUR: Dimensions of Accountability for Global Regulatory Scientists

-       Dr. Machiko Kanetake | Utrecht University: Transnational Radiological Standards in Domestic Context

-       Çağlar Dede | EUR: Values in Regulatory Toxicology: A Philosophy of Science Perspective

-       Dr. Paolo Farah | West Virginia University: Transparency and Accountability for Experts and Policy-Makers: China as a Case Study

11:00 to 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 to 13:00

Panel 4 – Accountability of Experts in Internet, Digitisation, and Data Protection

-       Prof. Dr. Sanne Takaema | EUR – Chair & Discussant

-       Prof. Dr. Gregory Voss | Toulouse Business School: ENISA and Its Use Related to Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity Law

-       Dr. Xavier Tracol | Eurojust: Expert-based Decision Making in Data Protection at Eurojust: The Contribution of the Joint Supervisory Body to the Development of Proceedings before Boards of Appeal of EU Organisations

-       Dr. Daniel Drewer | Europol: Accountability of the Data Protection Officer as an Independent Expert Function

-       Dr. Florin Coman-Kund | EUR: Europol’s Accountability System Regarding International Exchanges of Personal Data

13:00 to 14:30

Lunch and Coffee (only for speakers and chairs)

14:30 to 16:00

Open Round Table Discussion

-       Prof. Dr. Jan Klabbers (University of Helsinki), Prof. Dr. Michelle Everson, Prof. Dr. Ellen Vos, Prof. Dr. Oren Perez, Prof. Dr. Robert Howse, Dr. David Demortain

-       Chaired by Dr. Alessandra Arcuri and Dr. Florin Coman-Kund


16:00 to 16:30

Discussion – Future Research Agenda and Publication of Conference Output

16:30 to 17:00

Concluding Drinks
