This chapter focuses on the prescriptive typologies that individual may be assigned throughout the frameworks that exist within the further explored Governance Typologies that are presented in the later half of the chapter. First, the value and efficacy is established through an investigation of all of the factors that are introduced to fully explore and understand the scope of what a framework is within the governance context. Helpfully, the authors provide just enough background information for the contextual frameworks that they are clear and understandable by the reader. Much like many other chapters in this book, there are charts to further explore the convergence of the topics presented in a broader context. For example, the definitions of ideal-type are further clarified by their transcendence from a static or dynamic state and whether they are singularly or plurally expressed. This attention and focus on refining the central topics of the chapter are both useful and demonstrate a mastery of the topic at hand. Finally, the introduction and exploration of the concept of Governance Typology is done with the same model of exploring the variables and contributions to the overall defining characteristics of the typology in small and easily digestible sections. The emergence of four distinct typologies allows for the reader to imagine that there is not one true typology that is broadly applicable, but there is some room for further interpretation by the observer for the behaviors of modern liberal governments.