The problem of the North-South divide in the world is not a new one. Already in the 70s, there were great discussions about it, but even today the topic is present. On the one hand, we have the industrialized nations in the North, which with their consumer behaviour and resource-intensive production bear most of the responsibility for man-made climate change, and on the other hand, we have the poorer states in the South, which are and will be severely affected by the consequences of climate change. This injustice results in the obligation for the northern industrial nations to contain the climate change and its consequences for the southern regions, but also to provide technologies and knowledge to the southern countries in such a way that they can adapt to the climate change and do not run the risk of further advancing it. In their article "Trade in clean energy technologies: sliding from protection to protectionism through obligations for technology transfer in climate change, or Vice Versa?” the authors offer an interesting approach to solving this problem. They propose a South-South technology transfer, whereby emerging economies act as a bridge between the northern and southern states. They thus base their findings on the fact that access for emerging markets is significantly better than for developing countries. They are based on the fact that emerging markets are much better integrated into the global market and that clean energy technologies are regularly transferred here. The absorptive capacity of emerging markets is simply much higher than that of developing ones. A thoroughly sensible conclusion. On the one hand, it shows how dependent these countries are on the "goodwill" of the northern nations, and on the other, how important the regional framework conditions are. The authors also break this down in their article. The authors argue in favour of South-South transfer by pointing out that the emerging markets not only purchase foreign technologies, but also produce and export the corresponding products themselves. These countries are therefore extremely well suited to act as a bridge between northern and developing nations. This is an very important concern, as the authors themselves emphasize, because it is important that all countries have equal access to clean technologies. In order to overcome the inequality between North and South, it is also necessary to actively consider climate change. Today, development aid projects more often encounter problems caused by climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to consider development aid under the conditions of climate change. For example, the technology transfer. The development of these countries can be steered and partly also corrected. In this context it seems to be very helpful to convey and anchor the necessary knowledge and education in the respective country within the framework of technology transfer. In this way, the differences between practice and knowledge in the regions can be contained and a sustainable perspective created. This linkage must be created so that the poor regions in the South also develop positively in the long term and are not just dependent on the knowledge and technologies of the northern states. This goal applies in order to counteract the problem of the North-South divide, taking climate change into account.