As the chapter first presents, there is a fractured series of regulatory bodies that provide water resource management in China. Even here, there are varying missions and values within each ministry or administrative agency. Administrative organizations have resulted in stratification of competencies between these separate agencies, resulting in a regulatory body that is not as effective or efficient as it could be. The prescription for a more effective regulatory body would be to have integration of all relevant ministries into one larger environmental protection agency and water resource management practice across the nation. It would jive with the overall political philosophy of the nation of China, in that is One nation of China, and it would not be a huge leap to have One water resource management firm. However, what would be lost in a vertical integration of water resource management would be the local control of policies that may be effective in one province, but otherwise ineffective in another part of China. What would be especially effective in a nation as geographically diverse and spread out as China would be for a geographically structure organization, where reporting of activities and regulatory effort would be funneled upward to a central ministry for Water Resource Management. This is not too dissimilar from the structure provided in the chapter, it would just instead be based on geographic locations (provinces) and not the regulatory functions.