The very origin of the international response to combating global climate change has its roots in the 1970s for the Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the more modern United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Kyoto Protocol. Even with these multiple frameworks, there is the existence of the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities. This concept is not just present in the global efforts for combating climate change, but are also present in the World Trade Organization’s variable response to an action done by a developing nations, as compared to their response to the same action done by a developed nation. Simply, there is a common goal, but the resources and methodologies used by a given nation must necessarily be varied. While effectively difficult for the lay observer to understand, it has provided a continued push forward in allowing these frameworks to exist through many decades. These CBDR’s, as they are referred to as, provided a platform for comparing the progress made by one nation as compared to another. This is the modern mechanism by which international organizations can ensure that participants are holding up their end of the bargain when it comes to the collective effort. While this chapter is not necessarily prescriptive in nature, the authors tend to show how the CBDR as a concept has produce more often good than ills.