Table 10.2 from the chapter provided another model of understanding how there is a bifurcation of currently held economic practices and the reciprocal sustainable practices. The metrics discussed include: the separation from nature, human liberation and new forms of dependence, reductionism, demand as a guiding principle, and an efficient and growing creation of value. From looking at the table, there is a significant divide amongst the two categories of policy understanding. For policymakers, these sustainable understandings could be seen as radical, and a great departure from the norm. However, if focus were placed on just one of these six policy areas, it may be easier to sell the other five once the success of the first has manifested itself. It is suggested that the ideals of reductionism may be the best place to start. These include: The costs of degrading resources must be high, but more fundamental valuation should override pricing; Rationality builds on values and not only means-end calculation; Norms, contracts, regulation and pricing should align economic activities with their consequences. This is all to say that economic systems and goals for sustainable development are inseparable, and are often necessarily linked because to create new sustainable development projects, the capital to do so must be extracted from the economic system itself.