The anthropocene, is the geological age of Earth that is marked by heavy influence by the presence of humans is often used in a negative context. This is often understandable because the age of humans, especially the industrial age has caused what will be regarded as irreversible climate change that will take millenia to correct. As it relates to inequality, the anthropocene and climate change often have a cruel element to them. Generally speaking, less wealthy communities are located near coastlines, river deltas, and other low lying areas. The global climate change has resulted in an increase in the average sea level by a matter of meters in some areas. This has resulted in these communities being unable to deal with these rising floodwaters, and often have disastrous impacts in their ability to continue farming, fishing, and other vital practices to their communities. In certain circumstances, they must abandon their lands altogether and seek refuge further inland, causing a great havoc on these communities and their identity. In a twist of fate, the nations that have benefited the most from the practices causing climate change, namely resource extraction are not these same low lying communities that have already had to reckon with the effects of those capital-seeking endeavors. They must receive help from the international community, and often are not helped enough to maintain their status in the global community.