What does Holographic Governance mean?

This chapter is focused on the concept of holographic governance. Starting from the idea that particular individuality is characterized by a decentered identity that is socially embedded, the authors believe that the divine is both internal and external to self leads to epistemological idealism. These assumptions can be seen in pantheistic religions according to which all beings are considered parts of the divine being. As a consequence, action is guided by an ethical moral imperative. Introspection is the key step in order to identify what is right and fair. Holographic governance is based on the idea that the source of being is transcendent. It expresses itself through what are perceived as many immanent beings and things but are in reality only components of the singular whole. If we push these considerations to human beings, Holographic Governance assumes a Particular individuality that is universal within the whole. As confirmed by Yogananda, each individual is fundamentally the same and apparent difference is merely an illusion. What needs to be highlighted is that Due to its dynamic nature, Holographic Governance rejects the possibility of an unchanging Truth, both a priori and a posteriori. Since the divine is coterminous with the self and the cosmos, Truth changes along with it. In other words, Holographic Governance is aligned with transcendental belief systems that support various interpretations of an impersonal divine force; there is no personal subject-object relationship with this being because one is simply part of that being. Ethically speaking, we can assume that, because Holographic Governance views the individual (one) as coterminous with the source of existence (One), there is no meaningful distinction between what is right for the individual and what is right for the whole. The author also highlights how the Holographic Governance approach is well illustrated by group farming practices similar to those found in China. The case of local township government replaced by collective management through various committees within the commune and each commune existed as a "unified, self-reliant entity" is presented as illuminating in the conclusive part.