Prof. Paolo D. Farah was a guest lecturer at Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Slovenia where he presented International trade and the future of multilateralism. In his lecture, he has presented a legal framework and the basic principles of the WTO evolution in the last two decades. He has emphasized that multilateral cooperation in the period of pandemics, climate change and other international challenges is so much more important. At the same time, he has pointed that the international trade rules are unbalanced, because the public regulatory measures to protect public health, environment, labor and social standards present only the exception to the free trade rules. His findings were highlighted with the help of presenting several important trade dispute decisions. At the end of the presentation prof. Farah also introduced a possibility of taking studies in the master's program (Master of Public Administration) at West Virginia University.

Prof. Paolo D. Farah has co-edited the comprehensive volume on the impact of China's membership in the World Trade Organization and its effect on international sustainable development: Paolo D. Farah and Elena Cima, China's Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law, Routledge, 2016

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