In the 1970s, the Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care was the first declaration on the international-scale to focus on health with a holistic approach. Among the eight specific and important services regarded as primary health care, two have since been inextricably linked: “promotion of food supply and proper nutrition,” and “prevention and control of locally endemic diseases”. Bill Brieger of Malaria Matters, noted that these two items in conjunction allowed for the idea that within the developing world, the eradication of malaria, and an increase in food security for all people were now thought of as a single issue. 

 With the reinvigoration of the Millenium Development Goals and specifically its first goal: “To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger” and the third goal: “To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”, the international community linked these two separate, but very important public policy outcomes together.

Malaria Matters