On August 11th, NASA, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) and other authoritative scientific research institutions jointly published a world-shocking scientific results that on the surface of the moon's north and south poles, scientists have for the first time directly detected solid evidence of water ice. The study is conducted by the university of Hawaii, Brown university and NASA's Ames research center, using data collected by NASA's lunar mineral detector. In the article Direct evidence of surface exposed water ice in the lunar polar regions, Shuai Li, Paul G. Lucey, Ralph E. Milliken, Paul O. Hayne, Elizabeth  Fisher, Jean-Pierre Williams, Dana M. Hurley, and Richard C. Elphic collaboratively ice - find the definitive proof of ice water by observing its feature of Near-infrared spectroscopy. According to the new results, roughly 3.5 percent of the moon's polar surface is covered by water ice. The South Pole is signifindcantly richer than the North Pole. At the moon's South Pole, water ice is found in cold, dark craters. At the moon's North Pole, water ice is sparse and widespread. The temperature at the lunar poles is as low as 163 degrees Celsius and will never be exposed to sunlight, so the water ice in such an environment remains stable for a long time. The depth and source of the water ice is still uncertain, and a new orbiting satellite is needed to study the lunar poles, filling in the gaps in knowledge about lunar. Although comparing to Earth in general, the number is insignificant, it still gives scientists more inspiration to further explore the moon. The water ice found on the moon, after electrolysis could be turned into liquid hydrogen and oxygen which can be used to make more efficient rocket fuel, greatly reducing the cost of space missions. It seems that human are more close to the establishment of long-term settlements or lunar basest.
