Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli

Senior Research Associate

Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli is an Italian jurist and lawyer. He is a diplomat of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, presently serving as Deputy Head of Mission of the Italian Embassy in Doha. He was research assistant at the Chairs of Philosophy of Law and Legal Methodology in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. His publications include monographs and articles in comparative law and philosophy of law.

Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli is Senior Research Associate at gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom). He is an Italian jurist and lawyer, researching in comparative law and philosophy of law from a culturally oriented perspective, with special reference to East Asia and the Muslim world, and to the ways in which Western law interacts with non-Western legal conceptions in the framework of constitutional documents and charters. His most recent publications include monographs and articles in English and Italian, with a particular focus on the historical evolution of Japanese law and the legal conception of Islamic fundamentalism. He took part in conferences and seminars.

He is also a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic. He serves as Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Italy in Doha (Qatar). Between 2018 and 2022, he served as Consul of the Italian Republic in Freiburg (Germany), and between 2016 and 2018, he served as Head of Section in the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry. In 2016, he became a lawyer of the Bar of Milan. Between 2014 and 2016, he is a trainee lawyer at the Government Legal Service (Avvocatura dello Stato) in Milan.

In 2022, he concluded his doctoral program in Philosophy of Law at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg (Germany), in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institut of Freiburg. Between 2014 and 2016, he is assistant of research at the Chairs of Prof. Bruno Montanari in Philosophy of Law and Legal Methodology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. In 2012, he graduated in Law at the same university.

He reads and speaks in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. He studies Japanese and Arabic. Disclaimer: the opinions contained in his publications are to be considered as strictly personal, and not referable to any public entity or association.

For further information, please visit the following sites and channels:

Research-Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Federico-Ramaioli-2
Academia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/FedericoLorenzoRamaioli
Twitter: @RamaioliLorenzo

• Comparative Law
• Philosophy Of Law
• Legal Methodology
• Legal Anthropology
• Legal Pluralism
• State Theory
• Constitutional Theory
• East Asian Law
• Islamic Law


Islamic State as a Legal Order. To Have No Law but Islam, Between Shari’a and Globalization, Routledge, London-New York 2022, pp. 212

Quis contra nos? Storia della Reggenza del Carnaro da d’Annunzio alla Costituzione di Fiume [Quis contra nos? History of the Italian Regency of Carnaro, from d’Annunzio to the constitution of Fiume], Historica, 2018, pp. 306

Nazione e politica nazionale. Breve storia del Costituzionalismo giapponese [Nation and national policy. A brief history of Japanese constitutionalism], series “Affari Esteri”, n. 3, Greco&Greco, Milan 2017, pp. 325

Per Dio e l’Imperatore. I cristiani del Grande Giappone Imperiale [For God and emperor. The Christians of Great Imperial Japan], series “Religioni e Società”, n. 9, Aracne, Rome 2016, pp. 344

Edited volumes:

Kokutai no Hongi. L’essenza del Giappone [Kokutai no Hongi. The essence of Japan], trans. Daniela Errico, Idrovolante, Rome 2021, pp. 190


“A constitutional emirate? Legal developments in Taliban Afghanistan” in “Journal of Comparative Law”, year XVII, n. 1, 2022, pp. 11-19

“Delimitare il diritto. Limes e spazialità nella transizione giuridica in atto” [Limiting law. Limes and spatiality in the present juridical transition] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XXIV, n. 69, September-December 2021, pp. 38-60

“Sun Yat-sen’s San-min doctrine and its legacy in Chinese constitutionalism: three principles for two systems”, in “Suffolk University Law Review”, Online Edition, December 2021, https://sites.suffolk.edu/lawreview/

“The road back to the East: the progressive de-Westernization of North Korean constitutionalism” in “Academia Letters”, article 3487, September 2021, pp. 1-8

“Il diritto dell’anno zero. Qualche riflessione sulle implicazioni giuridiche della cancel culture” [Year Zero law. Some reflections on the legal implications of the cancel culture] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XXIV, n. 68, May-August 2021, pp. 92-114

“Heaven beyond the law. Chinese constitutionalism as a form of legal and cultural pluralism”, in “Academia Letters”, article 2617, August 2021, pp. 1-8

“From the gods of heavens. Kokutai, myth and law in Japanese history, 1825-1947”, in “Academia Letters”, article 2349, July 2021, pp. 1-7

“Unbroken for ages eternal. The concept of kokutai in Japanese constitutionalism”, in “Journal of Comparative Law”, vol. XV, n. 1, 2020, pp. 1-14.

“Lo Statuto della Reggenza Italiana del Carnaro tra innovazione e tradizione. A cento anni dalla Costituzione di Fiume” [The statue of the Italian Regency of Carnaro between innovation and trandition. One hundred years from the constitution of Fiume], in “Fiume. Rivista di Studi Adriatici”, year XLI, n. 41, June 2020, pp. 83-100

“La postmodernità come transizione a un neo-medievalismo giuridico? Tra frammentazione e globalizzazione” [Postmodernity as a transition to a legal neo-medievalism? Between fragmentation and globalization] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XXIII, n. 66, September-December 2020, pp. 80-115

“Fiume tra diritto, arte e politica. Due giorni per d’Annunzio legislatore” [Fiume between law, art and politics. Two days for d’Annunzio legislator], in “Rivista di Storia del Diritto Italiano”, vol. XCIII, n. 2, 2020, pp. 359-362

“La monarchia di Rabat tra religione e Costituzione: riflessioni giuridiche su Islam e Stato in Marocco” [Rabat’s monarchy between religion and constitution: juridical reflections on Islam and state in Morocco] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XXIII, n. 64, January-April 2020, pp. 102-136

“Il regime della proprietà nella storia del costituzionalismo italiano tra funzione sociale e dominio sulla materia” [The regulation of property in the history of Italian constitutionalism between social function and dominion over matter] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XXII, n. 61, January-April 2019, pp. 69-92

“Il recepimento del paradigma dello Stato nazionale nel Giappone post-restaurazionista” [The reception of the nation-statehood paradigm in post-Restorationist Japan] in “Orientalia Parthenopea”, XVIII, University of Naples L’Orientale, 2018, pp. 64-79

“Il nazionalismo giapponese e le politiche del corso inverso” [Japanese nationalism and the reverse course policy] in “Nuova Storia Contemporanea”, seconda serie, n. 2, Le Lettere, Florence, May-August 2018, pp. 165-189

“Un nuovo Impero per il Giappone. Il Sol Levante nel contesto del mondo multipolare” [A new empire for Japan. The Rising Sun in the context of multipolar world] in “Il mondo verso un futuro multipolare”, NovaEuropa, Milan 2018, pp. 159-187

“Sovversione dell’ordine istituzionale e pena capitale: un percorso storico” [Institutional order’s subversion and capital punishment: an historical review] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XXI, n. 59, May-August 2018, pp. 95-117

“Il nazional-capitalismo degli zaibatsu come forma di governance” [Zaibatsu national-capitalism as a form of governance] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XX, n. 55, January-April 2017, pp. 85-110

“Il ruolo della lingua e della cultura berbera nel nuovo assetto costituzionale marocchino” [The Berber language and culture’s role in the new Moroccan constitutional architecture] in “Ricerche Giuridiche”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, vol. 5, n. 2, December 2016, pp. 299-319

“Disarmo e riarmo nella Costituzione giapponese” [Disarmament and rearm in the Japanese constitution] in “Orientalia Parthenopea”, XVI, University of Naples L’Orientale, 2016, pp. 101-134

“La funzione della pena tra Occidente e mondo islamico: una prospettiva teleologica” [The punishment’s function between the West and the Muslim world: a teleological perspective] in “Dignitas. Percorsi di carcere e di giustizia”, May 2016, www.rivistadignitas.it

“Addio alle armi: l'articolo 9 della Costituzione giapponese” [A farewell to arms: article 9 of the Japanese constitution] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XVIII, n. 53, May-August 2016, pp. 100-128

“Il Tennō nella cornice costituzionale giapponese” [The Tennō in Japanese constitutional framework] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XVII, n. 52, January-April 2016, pp. 68-97

“La genesi del Costituzionalismo giapponese nell’era Meiji” [The genenis of Japanese constitutionalism in the Meiji period] in “Ricerche Giuridiche”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, vol. 4, n. 2, December 2015, pp. 443-469

“L’elemento religioso nella Costituzione egiziana dell’era Morsi” [The religious element in the Egyptian constitution of the Morsi era] in “Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto”, n. IV, 2/2015, November 2015, pp. 405-426

“La clausola confessionale nel Costituzionalismo egiziano” [The confessional clause in Egyptian constitutionalism] in “Rivista della Cooperazione Giuridica Internazionale”, year XVII, n. 50, May-August 2015, pp. 121-141

“La risoluzione europea sulle strategie nazionali di integrazione dei Rom” [The European resolution on the national strategies of Roma integration] in “Rivista della cooperazione giuridica internazionale”, year XVI, n. 48, September-December 2014, pp. 72-97

“Il Giappone militarista: affinità e diversità con altri Stati autoritari” [Militarist Japan: affinities and differences with other authoritarian states] in “Nuova Storia Contemporanea”, year XVIII, n. 1, Le Lettere, Florence, January-February 2014, pp. 55 – 88