
Modern-day supermarkets and hypermarkets have been introducing new market strategies that aim to simplify the traditional production and distribution system. Among these novelties is the surprising conversion of retailers into producers through the use of their own brands (‘private labels’). The retailer assumes full control over the production and distribution of private label products. He is responsible for the product’s quality and conformity, a role that was traditionally reserved to producers. Council Directive 85/374/EEC, of 25 July 1985 adopted an economic concept of ‘producer’ that includes ‘any person who, by putting his name, trade mark or other distinguishing feature on the product presents himself as its producer’ (the so-called ‘apparent producer’). On this day and age, the brand is a channel of information between supply and demand, exercising a communicative function that can be viewed as a position of liability that its holder assumes for products that he puts into circulation. By labeling products with his own brand, the retailer assumes the same risk as real producers. The trade mark holder shall be liable for the damage caused by defective products jointly and severally with the product’s real manufacturer. The inclusion of the trademark owner in the concept of producer is closely linked to consumers’ expectations. Consumers see the trade mark on the product and are reasonably confident that the holder of such mark had some control over the production and will, accordingly, be liable for any damage caused by the product. In this article we analyse the connection between product liability and consumer expectations, determining whether the consumer may directly sue the hypermarket if the product is defective and causes damages.
Full Paper
Fernando Dias Simões
Senior Research Associate

Professor Dias Simões is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China)


Modern-day supermarkets and hypermarkets have been introducing new market strategies that aim to simplify the traditional production and distribution system. Among these novelties is the surprising conversion of retailers into producers through the use of their own brands (‘private labels’). The retailer assumes full control over the production and distribution of private label products. He is responsible for the product’s quality and conformity, a role that was traditionally reserved to producers. Council Directive 85/374/EEC, of 25 July 1985 adopted an economic concept of ‘producer’ that includes ‘any person who, by putting his name, trade mark or other distinguishing feature on the product presents himself as its producer’ (the so-called ‘apparent producer’). On this day and age, the brand is a channel of information between supply and demand, exercising a communicative function that can be viewed as a position of liability that its holder assumes for products that he puts into circulation. By labeling products with his own brand, the retailer assumes the same risk as real producers. The trade mark holder shall be liable for the damage caused by defective products jointly and severally with the product’s real manufacturer. The inclusion of the trademark owner in the concept of producer is closely linked to consumers’ expectations. Consumers see the trade mark on the product and are reasonably confident that the holder of such mark had some control over the production and will, accordingly, be liable for any damage caused by the product. In this article we analyse the connection between product liability and consumer expectations, determining whether the consumer may directly sue the hypermarket if the product is defective and causes damages.

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The growth in green energy investments worldwide is an important reality and rising trends are to be expected in the future. When designing the proper policy agenda for renewable energy investments, we must take into consideration the legal, regulatory and political frameworks in both developing and developed countries. gLAWcal aims at analyzing national approaches on the matter, combining scientific, social and economic considerations. At the same time, it wishes to develop partnerships among European and non-European institutions, so as to deliver an integrated approach on sustainable energy investments, combining global and local perspectives.
The need to prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices which unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology are topical issues that affects international relations. It is crucial for developing countries to achieve a substantive degree of IPR protection, not only for the promotion of creativity and innovation, but also for the maximization of technology transfer from developed countries. gLAWcal examines IPR regimes and their impact on competition with the objective of providing a better understanding of the competition-dimension of IP rights. Intellectual property rights are also extremely crucial to sustainable development in manifold ways, from the protection of traditional knowledge and cultural products, to access to essential medicines. Our organization focuses on the policy frameworks and institutions shaping debate and policy development in this sector.
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Improvements in people’s economic wellbeing have increased citizen demands for a cleaner environment. As societies undergo the transition to industrial development and modernity, their citizens begin to concern themselves with needs and wants beyond the material, including the protection of the environment. However, growing levels of environmental consciousness and awareness are often not matched by proper environmental legislation enforcement at the local level. gLAWcal looks at environmental rights developments in developing countries, and aims at delivering policy advices and capacity building support in areas where law implementation is lacking. With this purpose, our organization seeks to improve environmental protection not only for the benefit of the populations directly affected, but also for the sake of the entire planet.
Globalization, and the consequent international exchange of goods, services, cultures, ideas, has brought increased wealth for many on the one hand, while exerting pressure on core societal values both in developed and developing countries on the other hand. Public opinion and policy makers have warned against the threat posed by international trade and liberalization to policies and measures meant to protect the so-called non-trade concerns (NTC), such as environmental protection, sustainable development, good governance, cultural rights, labour rights, public health, social welfare, national security, food safety, access to knowledge, consumer interests and animal welfare.When trying to protect these issues, developed countries have put into place trade measures that have encountered resistance or dissent in developing countries, being perceived as protectionist actions or as an attempt by the importing countries to impose their social, ethical and cultural values on exporting countries.The challenge of integrating Non-Trade Concerns embodies the willingness to overcome national egoisms and embrace universally a number of fundamental values, creating an ethical and juridical platform to win over cultural differences and issues of national sovereignty. gLAWcal’s research aims at identifying ways to protect NTC within international economic law. By shedding new light on developing countries’ trends towards inclusion of NTC in the domestic and international arena, gLAWcal provides a comprehensive perspective on law enforcement, creating a bridge between the international and the domestic realities.