Changing 21 century dynamic in the pharmaceutical import/export market. A gLAWcal comment on Francesca Spigarelli and Andrea Filippetti "Grasping Knowledge in Emerging Markets: is this the case of Western Pharmaceutical Companies in China?"

From the start of the Open Door Policy in the 20th century, foreign companies have flooded the Chinese markets in hopes to capitalize on the new market that was previously unavailable to participate in. The Chinese government is understandably at a position to mediate this market, and stem the introduction of new products that compete with Chinese-made equivalents. However, because of their status in the TRIPS Agreement, they must make certain concessions to foreign competitors. In more recent times, the Chinese markets have become an increasingly imports-heavy endeavour, recognizing the new appetite for these products from other nations. In this same regard, there are heavy investments in the manufacturing infrastructure for pharmaceutical research and develop inside of China. There has been a huge number of Research & Development dollars being spent in the nation, a large change in the participation of these companies from simply a production-focused presence. This introduces a new regulatory need to ensure that the protection of intellectual property from this research and development. In previous decades the regulation was in the areas of product safety, and there must now be greater regulatory focus on the less tangible, but equally important patent protection. A renew focus on this task will ensure that the foreign companies know that the R&D efforts inside of the Chinese nation are as equally effective as other nations.