Is it possibile to find a balance between the protection of #competition and #markets and the protection of #consumers?

There is, around the world, a global social movement, called consumerism, whose aim is seeking to augment the rights and power of the buyers in relation to the sellers. The key question in this scenario is: how can we find a balance between different provisions aiming at protecting competition or markets, and those designed to protect consumers? And more crucially, is it true that inadequate consumer protection leads to distorted competition also at international level? Indeed, in this last case, the authorities that have the capacity to regulate the market operate from different countries, and it is not always easy to assess whether rules aimed at consumer protection are designed to favour consumers rather than national businesses over foreign competitors. It is therefore examined the Chinese model. First, the introduction of the provisions aimed at consumer protection in China correlates to the country’s transition towards a socialist market economy. As a result, the PRC created a broad array of remedies, which encompass civil and criminal law, as well as civil, administrative, and criminal procedural law, most of which were adopted during a phase characterized by a growing attention towards western models. Here, it is submitted that the counterbalance between consumers and businesses, as well as State enterprises, depends on China’s leading socio-economic policy.