Learn the theory and structure of the US federal government with gLAWcal's book titled 'A Radically Democratic Response to Global Governance'

Chapter five begins with a table comparing Hierarchical and Atomistic Governance which both are fully explained in the following chapters. Hierarchical Governance focuses that there is only one leader ordained by a higher power. The chapter shows the system of Hierarchical Government in figures that are easily understood. The psychosocial theory of the governance believes heavily within the individual. As the authors explained, “it is one’s function within the whole that defines this identity.” It showcases the place of the individual within the group. Social order is very important, because it is believed that if there is not one, then the world with become chaotic and unsafe. This system of governance aligns with the beliefs of classical conservative liberalism or better known as republicanism. Classical conservative liberalism stems mostly from Protestantism, English common law, natural rights, and social contract theory. These values and beliefs are what makes up the majority of today’s republican political party. Rules in Hierarchical Governance are necessary to control human nature. Just as laws today are used to deem what actions are illegal. Today’s laws require more than just a “because I said so” in order to pass and go into effect. For a society to maintain stability, the society must cast away those that break the laws. We can observe this in today’s justice system. Everyone accused of a crime is “innocent until proven guilty.” If and when the evidence shows they are guilty, they often serve punishment. Punishment ranges from small, like community service, to large like a prison sentence. Those that receive a prison sentence are the ones that disturb the peace in society. The economic theory of Hierarchical Governance is closely related to capitalism and the welfare state. The system, as the chapter explains, “must be managed in a way that reinforces role definition while using constraint to order transactions.” Capitalism and the welfare state work together to follow material progress through government control of the market. The people pay into the system through purchases and taxes, and in return the government protects the welfare state. The welfare state encompasses labor laws, social insurance programs, social welfare programs, regulatory policies, and progressive taxation. In an administrative view point, administrators execute the laws that political heads make. Hierarchical Governance is best observed at the US Federal level of government.