In a variety of ways, there has always been inequality between the haves and have-nots in society. However, in more modern times when advancements in automation, medicine, and resource extractions should mean that there is greater equality in wealth and access to basic necessities, this is often not the case. A general sense of justice often alludes many people, a high level of privilege is given to people just based upon how much money their families have, and it is often difficult for individuals to ascend beyond the wealth and access to the tools of moving up the societal ladder. When the market leaves so many people behind in the ability to access and obtain supplies for maintaining basic needs, it often rests heavily on the central government to provide these resources. What is also being seen is that these central governments are shirking their duties, leaving private charities to fill the gap. Nations with great sums of wealth may be able to survive on this model, but often the developing nations rely heavily not on the central government of their own nation, but the governments of other nations. This tends not to be sustainable, and perpetuates a more globalized inequality between entire nations of haves and have-nots.